PhD in Art History from the University of Barcelona and the University of Grenoble Alpes (2021). She is an associate researcher at the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA, UMR 5190) and a member of REIECO (Spanish Research Network on Central and Eastern Europe). Her research focuses on transnational relations in Europe during and after the Cold War, with particular attention to exhibitions and processes of cultural decentralization in Eastern and Southern Europe. She has published on these topics in journals and edited volumes and is currently preparing the monograph Negotiated Encounters in Cold War Europe: Networks and Exhibitions 1965-1981 (Liverpool University Press, expected late 2025). She has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Modern Art & Theory, Masaryk University in Brno (2024), a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid (2022-2024), and a Paris x Rome Fellow at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome and the German Center for Art History in Paris (2021).
Debeusscher, Juliane, “Against the Current. Negotiating European Identities in a Still Divided World”, Stedelijk Studies Journal, Issue #14, en línea 20 septiembre 2024.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “Sobre limites, situaciones y juegos: una mirada a la trayectoria de Sara Gibert”, en Barcenilla, Haizea y Lekuona, Ane (eds.), Historias Desnortadas. Propuestas feministas para una historia del arte contemporáneo español, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2024, pp. 131-152.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “An Attempt to Create an Existential Community in 1970s Italy: Territorial Intervention, Cultural Decentralisation and Social Participation in Operazione Arcevia”, Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana, Vol. 46, 2023, pp. 413-454.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “L’art est européen au prisme des biennales centralisées (1973-1977)”, in Elitza Dulguerova (ed.), La Biennale internationale des jeunes artistes – Paris (1959-1985). Dijon/Paris, Les presses du réel/INHA, 2023, pp. 389-405.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “Traveling images and words: Czech action art through the lens of exhibitions and art criticism in Western Europe”, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 27 no.1, 2019, pp. 29-46.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “Mediating Alternative Culture: Two Controversial Exhibitions in 1980s Hungary”, en Bastiansen, Henrik G., Klimke, Martin and Werenskjold, Rolf (eds.), Media and the Cold War in the 1980s. Between Star Wars and Glasnost, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 161-188.
Debeusscher, Juliane, “Debates en torno al Disenso: el arte del bloque soviético en la Bienal de Venecia de 1977”, en Barreiro López, Paula (ed.), Atlántico Frío. Historias transnacionales del arte y la política en los tiempos del Telón de Acero. Brumaria, Madrid, 2019, pp. 413-443.
Barreiro López, Paula y Debeusscher, Juliane (eds.), “Cold War networks and circulations: Cross-cultural Dialogues and Practices throughout the Global South (1957-1991)”, REGAC (Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo), vol. 5, n°1, 2017-2018.